Morgan Chandler
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself.
Hello! My name is Morgan! I am fun and giggly and I love Disney and kpop! Dance is my passion and I love kiddos!!
2. What is your first memorable dance moment?
When I was a kid, my mom put me in dance guild at the University of Louisiana. I remember being in the class and we were making shapes on the floor and my favorite was a crescent moon shape!
3. What do you love about teaching?
I love it when I can see the joy on the kids faces when they are having fun! I also love when I see the little lightbulbs go off when they understand a new concept!
4. What do you love about Hello Dancer?
Hello dancer has such an amazing atmosphere. The amount of magic and happiness that flows through the studio and teachers is just so wonderful! I feel so welcomed here!
5. Who is your favorite cartoon or animated character?
Picking my favorite cartoon character is super tough because I love Disney! But I’d have to go with Winnie the Pooh!
6. What do you want your impact to be as a teacher at Hello Dancer?
As a teacher at Hello Dancer, I want my impact to be to help little boys and girls love or even just appreciate dance! I want them to find the magic that I found in dance!
7. We heard you have a cat with the coolest name, tell us more!
When I moved to Austin with 3 of my friends we decided to get the cutest lil cat. We named him Pickles Terry! Why you ask? Because P. Terry’s quickly become one of our favorite places in all of Austin, and we thought it was only fitting!
8. What are you qualifications?
I graduated from the University of Louisiana with a degree in Performing Arts, specifically dance! I’ve been teaching ballet, tap, jazz, hip-hop, mommy & me, and musical theatre for over 6 years! I’ve completed Hello Dancer’s annual teacher trainings as well as pedagogy courses through the University of Louisiana. I’ve been on staff at Hello Dancer for 5 years and have taught classes for 3 of those years. Prior, I was a dane instructor and show choreographer for the Christian Youth Theatre. I’ve also choreographed pieces for the University of Louisiana.